The Auckland Team

The Auckland Team

Neala Cullen

HQ Management | Business Manager

Bachelor of Communication Studies

Pform team since 2017!

Neala loves watching movies and letting her inner wild-child shine while belting out the lyrics to her favourite Shania Twain songs. She could quite easily have sushi for lunch every day and is a hot-chocolate enthusiast!

Favourite Musical: Rocky Horror Picture Show
Motto/Quote: "That's future Neala's problem."

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Tom Wardle

HQ Management | Education Manager

ATCL Dip. Teaching Speech and Drama | UCOL Certificate in Performing Arts

Pform team since 2012!

Too loud and energetic for his own good. Tom will perform Shakespeare at every opportunity he gets (requested or not). He is obsessed with Batman, literature, poetry, classic cinema and never turns down pizza when offered.

Favourite Musical: Man of La Mancha
Quote/Motto: "Love and success - always in that order. It's that simple and that difficult."

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Pearl Stretton

HQ Management | Creative Manager

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Education) team since 2006!

Pearl is a confident individual who LOVES throwing herself into the limelight. She's likely to be found with a coffee cup in hand (no matter the time of day) and rewatching comfort shows on Netflix.

Favourite Musical: Falsettos
Quote/Motto: "Try everything once and good things twice."

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Gracie Pilgrem

Franchisee | Pform Hibiscus & North

Bachelor of Dance Studies team since 2015!

You will often find Gracie sporting a pair of sparkly shoes. She is always excited to chat about her next overseas trip.

Favourite Musical: Beetlejuice
Quote/Motto: "Positively positive."

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Rose Stretton

Auckland Tutor | Tour Manager

Bachelor of Arts (Ancient History) | Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) team since 2003!

Lover of yoga, journaling and going on adventures. You will never get through a conversation with Rose without her bursting into song (seriously).

Favourite Musical: Les Miserables
Quote/Motto: "Today is life, tomorrow never comes."

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Ella Whitefield

Christchurch Tutor

Project Manager

Pform team since 2020!

When she's not creating magic in the kitchen with bread & baking, she's out with her camera capturing magic & getting involved in her local community!!

Favourite Musical: Newsies & Cats

Motto/Quote: "Because I knew you, I have been changed for good."

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Georgie Fryatt

Christchurch Tutor

NZ Speech Board Associate Diploma in Speech and Drama Performance | ATCL Musical Theatre, Level 4 Diploma in Performing team since 2024!

Hobbies include horse-riding, going to the gym and watching history documentaries. If you share a car ride, best believe you are joining her in belting out songs!

Favourite Musical: Les Miserables
Quote/Motto: "Shake it off."

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Bella Cook

Tauranga Tutor

Bachelor of Teaching

Pform team since 2024!

Fun to be around, loves a spot of surfing and will never turn down a chocolate-covered strawberry!

Favourite Musical: Annie
Quote/Motto: "You did not go through all that for nothing."

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Tate Miller

Auckland Tutor

Performing Arts Tutor team since 2023!

Tate is an optimistic guy who loves filling his spare time with video games, the latest Blockbuster movies, and ice-cream.

Favourite Musical: High School Musical
Quote/Motto: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott

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Talia Kermode

Auckland Tutor

New Zealand Certificate in AC-CA team since 2007!

Energetic and passionate. Often found enjoying the outdoors - crystal-hunting, fishing and camping.

Favourite Musical: Cats, Hairspray and Mamma Mia!
Quote/Motto: "Yasssss Queen!"

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Marise Reiher

Tauranga Tutor

Bachelor of Arts (Psychology, Human Development and Dance) team since 2024!

Bubbly personality who dabbles in photography and loves swimming and reading. Her guilty pleasures include listening to Elvis Presley and indulging in a cheeky chocolate-covered strawberry!

Favourite Musical: Grease
Quote/Motto: "I like to move it, move it!"

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Jisoo Kim

Auckland Tutor

Bachelor of Communications team since 2023!

When not teaching, she loves cooking, watching movies and eating way too much chocolate!

Favourite Musical: Aladdin
Quote/Moto: "Trust the process."

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Kyla Blennerhassett

Auckland Tutor

Bachelor of Communications team since 2024!

An icon with a love of painting, beach days, camping and performing! Guilty pleasures include pretending she's on MasterChef and singing alone in her car.

Favourite Musical: Joseph & the Technicolor Dreamcoat, Wicked, Jesus Christ Superstar
Quote/Motto: "Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

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Chelsie Brown

Hibiscus Coast Tutor

Performing Arts Tutor team since 2015!

Chelsie is a TANK fanatic whose ideal day consists of reading at the beach and spending time with friends. She will never miss the opportunity to meet a new cat.

Favourite Musical: Wicked
Quote/Motto: "You are only bored if you are boring."

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Danyelle Mealings

Hibiscus Coast Tutor

Diploma in On-Screen Acting team since 2024!

Loves seeking beautiful sunrises and indulging in fine dining. Ultimate form of procrastination is getting lots in the depths of a good book.

Favourite Show: The Picture of Dorian Gray
Quote/Motto: "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon

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Zoe Taylor

Auckland Tutor

Performing Arts Tutor team since 2016!

Often gets lost in the moment, dancing along to songs from musicals with an iced-coffee in hand.

Favourite Musical: Hamilton
Quote/Motto: "To learn something new, you need to try new things and not be afraid to make mistakes."

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Will Stretton

Auckland Tutor

Diploma in Film and Content Creation team since 2009!

Obsessed with superheroes, animals and anything out-of-this-world. Major fan of macaroni cheese.

Favourite Musical: Chicago
Quote/Motto: "Where there's a Will, there's a way!"

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Rebecca Dreyer

Auckland Tutor

Bachelor of Science (Human Nutrition) | Master of Health Science

Pform team since 2024!

An imaginative individual who loves to spend her downtime sewing, crocheting and painting. She's the person you want on your team for quiz night and she'll never turn down a little sweet treat!

Favourite Musical: Wicked
Motto/Quote: "It's better to live a life of oh-well's than a life of what-if's."

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Millie Eaton

Auckland Tutor

Diploma in Music | Conjoint BA (Education) and BC (Communications)

Pform team since 2015!

The friendliest person you'll meet! Always down to have a boogie, go for a walk or just stay inside binging 'Gilmore Girls' and 'Hamilton' over and over again.

Favourite Musical: Mamma Mia!
Motto/Quote: "Be the change you want to see in the world."

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Ella Billcliff

Auckland Tutor

Performing Arts Tutor

Pform team since 2011!

A ray of sunshine who loves dancing with her friends to Taylor Swift! A bit of a sweet tooth...she'll never turn down some raspberry licorice!

Favourite Musical: Mamma Mia!
Quote/Motto: "Live life to the fullest."

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Sam Bremner

Auckland Tutor

Bachelor of Arts (Drama, Film, Media and Television)

Pform team since 2022!

Loves to spend time creating Pinterest-worthy baking creations, crocheting, watching movies...and a cheeky bit of reality TV!

Favourite Musical: Hamilton
Quote/Motto: “The difference between try and triumph is just a little umph.” - Marvin Philips

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Evie Depledge

Auckland Tutor

Bachelor of Arts (Sociology and Drama)

Pform team since 2024!

Obsessed with all things Greek and Roman! You'll catch her jamming out to ABBA, walking her labradoodle Max and indulging in some Duck Island ice-cream.

Favourite Musical: Hadestown
Quote/Motto: "Ice-cream can fix any problem."

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Eva Fala

Auckland Tutor

Performing Arts Tutor

Coming soon...

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